Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We are in AFRICA! Safe and sound and being amazed at everything. Met our boys yesterday the 29th and took them out for yogurt drinks. They are adorable and friendly. We are waiting on the minister's office to sign the "Travel Doc." we need to start the rest of our paperwork.
Hi Girls, we miss you and love you soooo.... much! Our meeting with the boys was just as I dreamed. We waited in an upstairs room and as the boys approached I crouched down to their level and spread my arms wide open. Benedict was first, of course, and walked right to me and right BY ME! He went straight to Pete and snuggled right in on him and held onto Pete's arm. It was so cute and quite funny. Louis (pronounced, Louie) was a little more timid, though he did snuggle in on me and let me pick him up. We learned an important phrase called, "short call" which is to use the bathroom facilities, since, YES, they are potty trained for the most part. They enjoyed riding in the "auto car" and eating chips and having yogurt drinks. I even got a giggle and a few smiles by the time we brought them back to the orphanage. Louis held on tight and raised his legs as high as he could when I went to set him down. The nuns laughed and said it was obvious he wanted to stay with us. They were happy about this. WE are unable to keep them overnight until we receive our "Travel Doc." from the Minister's office, which we are finding is going to be quite a difficult task! We actually met Veronique on the street yesterday Tina, though, so far that was not too helpful. We will try again today with the boys and a big back of chocolates. We plan to have the boys with us for the day today. They are such a joy! Prayers to help the Minister see that we need to get moving on this to get back home are much appreciated at this time. Our travel was mostly uneventful, thank the Lord. This is such a beautiful country and only wish you could all experience it at least once in your lifetime.
We HAVE been trying to communicate with e-mail, text, blog for the past day and a half! I guess we just got lucky at this very moment with this one. All our love, especially to our two beautiful girls! Asia Grace, How are Edward and Lilly? Oh, ya, and Bill and Judy too! ha ha Hi to the CCC from Rwanda.



Vincents said...

Hi! Just googled rwanda adoption and found your blog. My husband and i are in the process to adopt from Rwanda too. I am super excited about it all but think we probably have some time to wait. Just finishing up paperwork phase and will get dossier authenticated in the next couple of weeks. I hope its ok to check out your blog to see how your process is going!? our site is

Vincents said...

Oh... I forgot to say congrats on your journey. Your boys are sooo cute!!!